I wrote about this before in my old blog and also on several social platforms. I really just wanted to share it.
Fuck bullies. Bullying is lame. Everybody knows that.
But alas, systems and cultures everywhere are not perfect. Hence they miss the mark when it comes to dealing with bullies.
What personally grinds my gears is how a victim is so easily dismissed in their pain.
They're told to just man up and get over it.
They're gaslighted into thinking they could be the one in the wrong.
They ultimately get zero support because no one dares to do the actual work in standing up against bullies.
Anyhoo, here's a powerful monologue from one of my favorite shows ever, South Park:

Context: In this episode, Butters is tormented by his grandma, the bully. Butters loses his shit one day and beats the crap out of another person. This is the resulting speech.
Read that again, over and over.
Bullies have no power whatsoever.
They're only in pain, everyday. And unless they do something about it, they'd continue to walk down a self-destructive path until they die, or get killed.
I hope this inspires you today. Here's the clip.