I Think Dudes Everywhere Are Holding In Too Much Shit Inside
Honestly, I keep hearing this from guys everywhere:
"I have never told anyone this before."
"I don't normally talk about this with anyone."
"Not even my family."
"Not even my girlfriend."
And it's almost as if we say it with a sense of pride to give out some sense of enigma, as if it makes us looks really stoic and cool.
I For One Think, We Can Do Better
We Can And Should Speak Up More
I know what it's like to feel judged all the time.
I was bullied when young. I was gaslighted all the time. I was made fun of and called petty when I expressed genuine concern over something.
It sucked. As a result, it felt like I had no one to talk to.
And I have so much to say. I always felt like I don't talk about the important things in my life enough, things like:
The day my dad died.
The times I made hilarious mistakes when dating a girl.
The times I felt like I couldn't fit in as an introvert.
Or my love for movies because I'd analyze the shit out of them.
That's Why I Made This Simple Page
It's My Way Of Giving Back
If you're a dude who feels like he can't speak out for fear of being judged or you feel like you have no one to talk to, I want you to know that I got your back.
Hit me up here via email and let's see what we can do.
I promise: No hidden motive to sell you useless bullshit. I am not selling anything. This is all free.
Let's just talk.